June 2nd, 2014, 9:43 pm
Background: a player cannot own a planet. The only way for a player to control a planet is to fully lay slabs on it, or put up shields and let no one else in (but this takes too long in practive). A player can transfer ownership of flats to a faction, and if enough flats are transferred then the faction controls the planet, and the faction controls who can lay new slabs.
A) Non-members of Alissma
If you find a system or planet, and can use your own resources to put down enough flats to allow a faction to control the planet, then Alissma is willing to hold the flats for you. You would have full control over what happens on the planet. Alissma will give back flats when you so request. (If there are any build wars going on, we may have to take sides or stay neutral, and may not be able to help.) If you don't trust Alissma to hold the flats for you, you are free to get someone else to hold them...
B) Alissma group (including NST) member
1) If you find a planet or system, and use your own resources to put down enough flats to allow a faction to control the planet, then Alissma is willing to hold the flats for you. You would have full control over what happens on the planet. Alissma will give back flats when you so request. (If there are any build wars going on, we may have to take sides or stay neutral, and may not be able to help.) You have same options as a non-member of Alissma group (see A). If you don't trust Alissma to hold the flats for you, you are free to get someone else to hold them...
2) This option usually applies to people system hunting for Alissma, using Alissma materials and credits. If you find a system or planet, and need Alissma resources to secure it, then Alissma will claim the system or planet and give you a reward. The reward will be a ship of value around 100m cr, or you may take 'ownership' of a smaller planet up to size 3x3. By taking 'ownership', we mean that Alissma will probably have to control the asteroid/moon but you would have full rights to it (like in A, B1, above). If there are no moons or asteroids, you would only get a ship as reward. If there was only one moon or asteroid, then you claim it. To get the reward, you would need to successfully build enough flats to control the moon/asteroid and other planets. Exact details will depend on the number of planets in system.