Rules for Building on Alissma Planets
Open to all members of Alissma, and the faithful of Ara
Alissma will supply raw materials, pay for hire and loan of builders (NPCs), give access to ships, and will pay (server) slab and (server) construction costs to allow Alissma members to build personal facilities on Alissma planets.
Alissma members will be allowed to build cities on certain Alissma planets using agreed designs. The exact location of facilities within the city may be changed, and other designs that follow good general building practices will be allowed.
Alissma will retain ownership of the slab, and all Council Flats, High Rises, Skyscrapers ('the flats'), and all Cathedrals, Temples, Churches, and Chapels ('the religious facilities'), and all power generators powering these Alissma owned facilities.
The member of Alissma building these facilities will be given ownership of the hotels, offices, taverns, and other facilities they build (except, as mentioned above, the flats, religious facilities, and PGs powering the Alissma facilities).
The Alissma member will also receive the financial income ('the FI') from the facilities they own, and from the flats owned by Alissma. To receive the FI from the flats owned by Alissma, the Alissma member will be set as manager of the flats whilst an active member of the Alissma group (this includes being member of factions we own, e.g. Neuro-Saav Technologies).
Alissma will be set manager of the religious facilities and Alissma will collect the FI from these religious facilities. The FI from the religious facilities will not go to the Alissma member who built the city.
If the Alissma member leaves Alissma or goes inactive, Alissma will be assigned as manager and the Alissma member will no longer receive FI from the flats. (To receive FI a facility must have an active manager and operator. If the manager is inactive the FI is lost.) Hopping or short periods of inactivity of about a month will be overlooked, but any longer unagreed absences or periods of inactivity will result in Alissma being assigned as manager to the flats.
If and when the Alissma member becomes active again or rejoins Alissma, the Alissma member will be re-assigned to the management of the flats, and hence begin to receive the FI again, but the Alissma member will not receive any missed FI that Alissma collected. The facilities the Alissma member owned will still belong to the Alissma member, even if the member is inactive or leaves Alissma.
Alissma will choose the operator for the Alissma owned facilities (Council Flats, High Rises, Skyscrapers, Cathedrals, Temples, Churches, and Chapels). The Alissma member may use any operator for the facilities personally owned.
The Alissma member will be allowed to use the free space in the city to build personal facilities on the condition the city ER is kept between 1.3 to 1.7, and good building practice is followed (i.e. the planet statistics in crime and morale and are kept good). If additional flats or religious facilities are built these will be owend by Alissma, as above. More experienced Alissma members may be allowed to build two or more cites that, when combined, follow good building practice (i.e. one city with high employment balanced by another city with high number flats.) If the Alissma member does not build on the free space within six months, Alissma reserves the right to use the free space for Alissma facilities.
Alissma will supply the materials and pay construction costs for any facilities built through Alissma. Facilities built by hopping to another type of faction (e.g. casino, hospital, etc.) must be paid for directly buy the builder.
The initial construction of the facilities must be built under ownership of Alissma (except for those that must be built by a faction of special type). Hotels, offices and taverns will be made over once completed and powered. The flats and religious facilities will remain with Alissma. In some instances, where power can be neatly split between PGs, the unpowered hotels, offices, and taverns, and necessary PGs, can be made over before completion.
Access to materials and ships is not guaranteed. Alissma has limited resources, but will try to share as best it can. The Alissma member may be required to haul raw materials from various mines and locations in Shadola, to replenish any used.
Here follow some examples of approved designs: ... ,16,v;|5|v ... ,14,h;|5|v ... 7,1,v;|5|vOther designs and variations are allowed, and the facilities may be placed in different locations.
There is no limit to the number of cities an Alissma member may build. The first cities will be built on Gas Giants in the Shadola sector. Alissma members who wish to build under these conditions should contact Ruetsavii Kuro Neko for further details.
See here for full document: